Shin and Mitzi are at home when a typhoon comes which is revealed something else at the end.
Harry forgets some important stuff home when Mitzi along with Shin come to give the file and have fun as a family. Shin, Harry, Mitzi, Harry's Boss and other collaegues Kazama brings some tadpoles to school and everyone's getting excited to see them except for Shin who has some other plans. Shin, Kazama, Midori, Nene, Bo, Masao, Matsuzaka, Other Students Shin, Mitzi, Shiro, Unnamed Man and his dog, HarryĪfter the latest entry into the family Shiro,Mitzi asks Shin to take him to a walk.Shin does something very very hillarious in this episode. The episode starts from Harry dreaming again of Ai but wakes up and Mitzi tells him that Shin is missing.On the other hand,Shin was at Shimobu's house having fun and soon Hiroshi also comes there. Shin is asked to clean the house with Mitzi but instead runs away with the toys at Shinobu's house. Shin, Mitzi, Mashimaro, Mrs.Honda, Nene, Suzuki, Masao, Gaurd LadyĪ bully named Mashimaro Honda teases Nene and friends when Shin gets to the rescue.Later,her mom calls Mitzi in this hillarious tale. Nene comes to Shin's house as her mother is out for shopping.Mitzi plays a game by exchanging the childs and soon Nene's Mom appears.A huge chaos takes place in this episode. Shin and Nene were taking a walk when they come across an injured bird.Shin protects the bird from the cat and takes her home for treating her injured wing.One of the most heart-touching episodes. Kazama,Shin and others are invited to Nene's tea party where Shin irritates Mrs.Sakurada to an extent. Shin Chan, Kazama ,Nene, Mrs.Sakurada, Two Unnamed Girls, Suzuki, Masao Shin and Nene find a mysterious purse on the road and go to the police station to deposit it.See what happens when Mitzi arrives at the police station in this classic episode
Shin Chan ,Mitzi ,Nene ,Policeman, Unnamed Lady, Chowmein Delivery Boy Shin gets inspired by Nene's bubble blower and asks Mitzi to buy one for him as well.Mitzi,being "selfish" has other ideas for Shin as she gives him a home-made blower.Later ,Shin challenges Kazama for a bubble battle.Find out what happened next in this classic episode Shin Chan, Nene, Mitzi, Kazama, Bo(Suzuki), Masao, Harry